Sunday, May 27, 2012

Badger Mountain, Baby Shower, Dinner Date

The title pretty much sums up my weekend.. well it was definitely  more exciting and great but you understand. I was so happy last week when I saw that I finally got a Saturday off (which hardly ever happens unless I request the day off.) I didn't have anything planned at all but it turned out to really be great.

Saturday morning I got up from bed, and read my scriptures as usual then woke up my siblings (who came to stay for the weekend) and my father. I did this because I didnt want them to sleep in too long and stay up too late that night (kind of selfish but I think it was in their best interest too.) Anyways, as I was considering how far i wanted to run that morning I realized I hadn't taken a day off from working out this week. YAY! Day off from work and working out right? I was instead inspired to invite my family to go and hike badger mountain with me! All but one of my little sister came with me, as well as my dad. My sister Liz and I are the only one that have done the hike before so It was fun to see how my dad and Travis did. It was really fun and a good chance for us to get out of the apartment and talk/ visit and just have a little fun-- and guess what! It didn't cost any money :) (well other than gas) It was fantastic. I am very happy we were blessed with the opportunity.

After hiking we came home and I washed all of the dirt off of me and went to a friends baby shower. it was great to see her as well as others. It was a neat experience, and one of the first that I have been to for friends and I am sure will not be the last :) I wrote more about it in my roommate blog ( if you are interested in more details about my baby shower experience ;)

As my family and I were coming back from Badger My very best friend in the whole world called me and asked my father if he could have permission to take me out on a date-- of course my dad didn't mind, he actually thought that him asking was kind of silly. On the other hand I thought it to be adorable and was so excited! Finally I had a reason, other than going to church, to out some thought into what I was going to wear and some makeup on my face. It definitely put a smile on my face :) But that was just the beginning of the smiles. He took me out to a nice dinner, we walked around the mall a bit did a little shopping, then went to go and watch a movie (best part was the cuddling!! hehe) It was a great night, as it ended I had a hard time saying goodbye, just as I always do but it's always comforting to know that because I am his girlfriend I will get to see him sometime soon! I am so ready! haha

Random Thought follow up: I haven't seen my friend yet or talked with him but I feel like I just need to show that i truly am his friend and that he has no reason to stop pushing for what he truly wants and deserves-- none of us do :)

Random thought: I am blessed I am so grateful for all that I have been given in this life and continue to receive. I hope that every day of the rest of my life I do not forget to thank the one that has given me all that I have.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

"The Favorite"

"The Favorite" What does this even mean? Today I am a little peeved. It takes quite a bit to make me feel this frustrated and just straight up irritated (well compared to most women, I'd say.) Anyways, what happened?

As I have explained prior, I have been at my current job for two summers, three including this one. From the very beginning I have been looked at as someone that the boss favors. Why? She is a member of my church and it was her daughter that helped me to get the job, I don't complain about her or about the work she asks me to do, and I get along with all of the "top dogs" (store managers) too. I think there is  plethora of more things that I could list but I think I have made my point. I can see how with a few of these points might make one suspicious of some sort of favoritism, but I can assure you that there is none. All of the above facts are true, and I am sure that my boss appreciates that I do not complain, but that fact does not bring me any special treatment. I don't get a lot of hours, less than most as a matter of fact. And the hours that I get are less than ideal.

Maybe some people just have the need to be dissatisfied and I am what some have chosen to be dissatisfied. Today I was confronted about being the so-called "favorite" because the hours report for last week was posted in the break room, and under my name it said that I worked 57 hours.... in a half-time position as a deli associate, whom just started only two weeks before that, 57 hours does not make sense, right? This is because It was a combination of all of my hours up to that point. Instead I get picked on because the boss gave me so many hours.. Ha dumb right? ugh

I know I shouldn't let something so trivial bother me so much, but I know that I have done nothing wrong. I am not "the favorite." Ill get over it, it just doesnt make work very comfortable when i have to work with those that do not like me much. Anyways, overall my day at work was alright :)  and otherwise my day has been good too. My very good friend, SaraH McGary had her bridal shower today. It was fun to see her and others. I am very excited for her and her fiance, Dexter. They are wonderful.

Random thought: What could I do to help a friend realize that no matter what one has done they have never gone too far, and can always improve? I really want him to be as happy as he deserves to be. I will keep this on my mind and perhaps share what I come up with.. You do the same :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Things around here are going pretty good. Work is keeping me quite busy but when it isn't I have no trouble finding other things to keep me busy.. well for the most part anyways. You know how sometimes you just want to be with someone just so that you are not alone. I feel like that sometimes here. My dad works a late shift at work and being here alone in his tiny apartment makes me feel this way sometimes. Thankfully though I am learning to not feel lonely and need someone, but rather fill my time with useful, fun things. I haven't really had much difficulty sticking to my fitness plan for the summer. In fact, I have to say, I am dominating it! I am almost done with week three of 'Insanity', it is nice seeing results and feeling better but honestly I do not know of a more 'insane' (haha) workout program than this one, my shirt is literally soaking by the time Shaun T (the fitness instructor) wraps up the workout. All I know is that if I am not in shape after I am done with this 60-day program I am going to be disappointed. We shall see :)

I also spend time with my nieces. Ah they are so cute. I discovered something this week, they love it when I bring my dads dog along with me when I come to play. Andrea (the younger of the two) will jump up and down and repeatedly yell "puppy puppy puppy." It is one of the most adorable things EVER! I love it!! Ah I love them :) they are fantastic!

Random Thought:
Why are waffles better than pancakes?
It doesnt really make a whole lot of sense to me, because they are basically made out of the same stuff, but waffles definitely trump pancakes.

Time is running out.. I've got to work in the Deli.. Yay.....
I know, having a job is a blessing but it is just difficult to get excited about it every day. I'm working on it though :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Beginning

I apologize for not being able to come up with a more exciting, eye-catcher of a title for my first blog post, but perhaps its fitting. I like to think of myself as a pretty simple girl. But hey, I will let you be the judge of that one :)

My little introduction to the left is pretty much me in a small little nutshell, and I am sure that more of me will shine through in my writings. I tend to be random and just all over the place sometimes but I will try to minimize that as much as possible. I am currently home in Washington, living with my amazing father and working at a specialty grocery store. I consider myself lucky to have a steady job, although it is not quite ideal. I am blessed :) I live near the two cutest little girls on the face of this earth, Alexis and Andrea, My nieces! I love them SO MUCH! I miss them a ton while I am at school, so i soak up every moment while I am here. I go to School at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, so I am away from home most of the year. I am currently studying business, which I love, but because of the competitive nature of the business program at BYU I am currently unsure about my major, but I will have a business minor :) BYU is a fantastic school, I have made many friends that I hope to have forever.

(I think that every day I write up a post I will include something random, something that has been on my mind that I just want to get out there)
Random Thought of the day:
Sometimes life can become overwhelming and we have to really search inside ourselves to kind of really find some sort of purpose to push though and not just throw the towel in and accept defeat. Its in these times that I think that we learn so much more about ourselves and Our Savior, Jesus Christ. Not in the moment of course, but afterwards we look back and realize really how much we were stretched and how real our relationship with our Savior has become. In my experience, it takes time to make this a realization, and to become grateful for the strength that I were blessed to gain. Because our Savior loves us, and the love is infinite He allows us to remember those hard times and the great things that we learned from them no matter how large of a scar they left on our hearts. Today at church a woman shared her testimony and thoughts on this very subject and it impressed me. It truly is a gift, a tender mercy from a loving Heavenly Father.
I have recently read a book by Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "The Remarkable Soul of a Woman" it is very inspiring and uplifting, I would suggest every woman to read it. It is a very light read and has very valuable insight that would benefit any of us who need a little brightness in our lives. The book ends with this statement, and it is how i would like to wrap up my thought--

"You are a choice daughter of our Heavenly Father, and through the things you create and by your compassionate service, you are a great power for good. You will make the world a better place. Lift up your chin; walk tall. God loves you."